Tuesday, October 18

The Final Task (1/3)

Hello everybody and a huge welcome to the first part of the big Finale of Cycle 3!
For our 3 wonderful finalists, Alessandra, Cindy and Maria there are 3 tasks to do...

1. Advertisement Shoot - You have to create a scenery where you advertise any kind of beauty product. The theme is "flawless skin". In this task you can be very creative because you only gotta fit the theme. Keep it simple, though, as the product and especially you doll's skin/face is the main thing.
2. Haute Couture Catwalk - Now that you practiced presenting yourself on the catwalk in the previous challenges, you gotta show what you can! You need to present a chique & elegant High-Fashion dress on the runway. Please include a pose, that would be really nice!
3. The Winner Photoshoot - You gotta create a scenery again, but this time you MUST do it in Topmodels.Club! Why? Because the winner's scenery will be the new campaign on the homepage of the club (it's actually on of your prizes). A simple backround, everybody's watching you and you stand in the spotlight, doing nothing but standing there and feeling great because you are RNTM! A pose must be included.

Any questions? Contact me as quick as you can. Have fun doing those tasks and I really wish everybody lots of luck for these days. Send us your tasks in comments as always. :)

Deadline: Friday, October 21st!

The elimination ceremony, the big Finals-Show, will be this Saturday, the 22nd of October (my B-Day)!!!
I'm working on graphics for the finalists aswell as on a spoiler which will be postet here in the next days before the show of the finale. Remember, only one of those graphics will be shown on the screen in the elimination ceremony when the winner will be announced (like in Cycle 2 and like it was shown in the spoiler at the beginning of the cycle)!
Again, lots of luck to everybody!
Love, Rafael & the co-judges


4EverUrGirl said...

Hi Rafael an Judges! So I'm very excited for the big Finals-Show! and ceremony!I'm also a little nervous too! But no matter what happens Im very Happy for getting this far!:)
Well here is my first task:

and I did the Topmodels.Club scenery already! and still working on the last one! soon2be seen!
xoxo: Alessandra

__mariah__ said...

Hey Judges. As Alessandra i am really excited for the Finals-Show and ceremony ;)
Here are my final tasks:

all in one : http://i56.tinypic.com/egr0j8.png

1. Task:http://i55.tinypic.com/auh9g1.png (not so good :( )

2. Task: http://i51.tinypic.com/t8uj47.png

3. Task: http://i55.tinypic.com/fvsxs.png

Cann't wait for the ceremony.

xx Maria

4EverUrGirl said...

hi sorry for being so late! here is my second one



BellaCullen4210 | Cindy said...

so sorry for being late, i was sick and i needed to sleep 24/7

So here all are my tasks:


Hope you love it.

I really tried my best, I hope its enough.
Cant wait for the ceremony. :s Super Exited.