Hey guys!
Before I start the post, here are the prizes for Cathy, our winner of the week!
- You'll be the model of the RNTM Spoiler for the Finale! It's and ad which I'll post on all the blogs I'm writing for and hopefully my Media Partners will do it, too. And you'll be our Spoilermodel, congrats!
- You can choose anything from the gift shop that costs up to 15sd / 150sc! Just tell me via guestbook and I'll buy it for you.
This is the 15th week and we've reached the semi-finals. It's incredible!
At first, I'd like to say that we'll keep our followers involved. This week the decision is made by the judges AND the audience, both decisions count 50%.
Dear viewers and followers, now it's up to you!
There's a poll in the side-bar. Simply vote for your favorite contestant and that's how it works. You've got time to vote until Saturday, May 26 (23.59h, GMT +1). The poll will close automatically after the deadline. So don't miss it to vote for your favorite!!!
For the contestants:
This week there are three tasks to do! The tasks are...
1. Mermaid Photoshoot
Last year, in Cycle 3, we've done an Underwater Shooting. But this year, we'll do it a little different, like I did in a scenery which I made a long time ago...
As you can see, this time you are going to be mermaids! You'll have to create a scenery where your doll will be posing as a mermaid. Your doll can swim underwater or pose in front of the beach, whatever you prefer! You my use graphic programs at this task.
Germany's Next Topmodel also did a photoshoot on the same theme, so you may take them as inspiration. But please notice that in your scenery you should NOT pose on dead fish, just do as I said. What I mean is that you can take the look of the mermaids as an inspiration. ;)
Dominique at the Mermaids Photoshoot

Kasia at the Mermaids Photoshoot

Luisa at the Mermaids Photoshoot
2. Commercial
We are celebrating a premier! For the first time in the history of RNTM (and probably in the history of all stardollian modeling competitions) we'll do an advertising spot! It will be a commercial for dot for about 20 seconds, with an introducing of the product (which is dot) and in the end there'll be your part - Your doll, wearing the finest make-up, and a slogan which will be made up by you.
This means: You'll have to create a stunning make-up, but you're only allowed to use make-up from dot. It should be a headshot! If it's possible, your doll should be on a white backround. Then think over a slogan for the final part of the commercial. Write the slogan in a comment when you send us the tasks!
I will show you all the finished commericals at the elimination ceremony.
3. Catwalk à la Victoria's Secret
Everybody knows it - everybody loves it! Sexy lingerie from Vitoria's Secret makes a woman a woman. Only the elite of all Supermodels around the world are allowed to walk for this show. The models on the runway look sexy, confident, strong, very happy and they always have a big smile in their face.
And that's what we want to see from you! We want you to rock the catwalk - strong, confident and sexy. You may wear any Victoria's-Secret-Outfit you like, just make sure you don't forget the wings, capes or trains as they are usual for the Vitoria's Secret fashion shows! ;)
At this task you are allowed to use graphic programs, of course. Take the following pictures as an inspiration...

Best of luck for the challenge. Give your best!
By the way, as I already told you yesterday at the elimination ceremony, Topmodel Maria will be a guest judge for this week. But also runner-up of Cycle 3, BellaCullen4210, will be a guest judge.
Deadline: Saturday, May 26
Upload all your tasks on imgur.com and send us the links (as well as the slogan for the 2nd task) in a comment!!
xoxo Rafael
1) Mermaid Photoshoot :
2)Commercial :
My slogan : Just Beautiful. My dot.
3) Catwalk á la Victoria's Secret :
I hope you like it ;)
Be unique with dot.
xx darleen
My 3 tasks:
"be unique, show color - use DOT.
Victorias Secret:
1) Mermaid Photoshooting
2) Dot commercial
MakeUP not war! Dot for peace
or if you don't like the one above... my second entry
Dot save the Queen
3) Victoria secret Catwalk
xoxo Cathy
I'm sorry it's one minute too late... ^.~
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