Hello everyone!
I'm updating this post because there has been something changed in the schedule AGAIN.
I have to say that I'm extremely, like extremely (!) disappointed with the contestants as I think I gave enough time to do the tasks, and yet two are still missing. Only Nora, Manda and Jody made it on time (on the last day).
Seriously, this is the semi-finale, this is pretty rude. I'm very very disappointed, but I'm not a cruel monster. So I decided to do the elimination ceremony tomorrow, on Tuesday. I really hope I do get the entries until tonight.
So, here's the new and updated schedule for December:
Tuesday, Dec. 4 - Semi-finals elimination ceremony
Wednesday, Dec. 5 - The final challenge
Wednesday, Dec. 12 - Deadline for the final tasks
Saturday, Dec. 15 - The big Finale (Live-Chat + Video)
The official spoiler will be released on Thurday. Stay tuned!
xoxo Rafael
Tuesday, November 27
Wednesday, November 21
The Semi-Finals!
Hello everybody and welcome to the first part of the semi-finals!
I'm already very excited and I'm looking forward to seeing the entries of our contestants. I am very happy to tell you that this week we'll have a very special co-judge. I'm sure you know her. It's.......
Cathérine Cerise AKA mathildamath!! :D
Yes, the winner of Cycle 4 will be our co-judge at the semi-finals. She knows what it takes to be a Topmodel, so give your best.
Also, this week we're gonna have a voting! You can vote for your favorite contestant to be in the Finale. You can find the poll in the side-bar. You can only vote once!
So, this week the decision counts 50% judges' opinion and 50% follower's vote. The contestants are allowed to promote and advertise themselves, but please don't spam or force others to vote for you, haha. ;)
Alright my dear contestants, at the semi-finals you have 3 tasks to do.
Do-It-Yourself Outfit
There's no RNTM without the DIY challenge. I hope you all know what I mean. Simply create an outfit made of anything that you find on Stardoll (except clothes!) and present it in an Editorial photoshoot - this means you have to pose in front of a plain background.
If you followed the previous cycle, then you will know what to do. If not, here are some images to help you:
I'm already very excited and I'm looking forward to seeing the entries of our contestants. I am very happy to tell you that this week we'll have a very special co-judge. I'm sure you know her. It's.......
Cathérine Cerise AKA mathildamath!! :D
Yes, the winner of Cycle 4 will be our co-judge at the semi-finals. She knows what it takes to be a Topmodel, so give your best.
Also, this week we're gonna have a voting! You can vote for your favorite contestant to be in the Finale. You can find the poll in the side-bar. You can only vote once!
So, this week the decision counts 50% judges' opinion and 50% follower's vote. The contestants are allowed to promote and advertise themselves, but please don't spam or force others to vote for you, haha. ;)
Alright my dear contestants, at the semi-finals you have 3 tasks to do.
Do-It-Yourself Outfit
There's no RNTM without the DIY challenge. I hope you all know what I mean. Simply create an outfit made of anything that you find on Stardoll (except clothes!) and present it in an Editorial photoshoot - this means you have to pose in front of a plain background.
If you followed the previous cycle, then you will know what to do. If not, here are some images to help you:

Candyfloss_girl, Cycle 2

BellaCullen4210, Cycle 3

__mariah__, Cycle 3

MaryChristmas11, Cycle 4

mathildamath, Cycle 4
You can use graphic programs as always, but remember to make the DIY outfit of random things from Stardoll! Just be creative and surprise us.
Video Commercial
Yes, we're gonna have a commercial again. Just like in the semi-finals of Cycle 4, you will be featured in one of my videos which will be an advertising spot. The commercial will be about Make-up on Stardoll! Yes, I know we already had make-up in the last cycle. But this time it's gonna be a little different because now you can use any make-up you find on Stardoll (not only dot like last time). Also, you have to create three different looks. One should be elegant, one should be extravagant and the last look can be made up by you.
Please don't forget that every commercial needs some text or a slogan. So when you send us the tasks, please include the text that should appear in the video!
Give your best, because the best idea/video will be shown in the advertisement break of the Finale!!!!!
Evening Gown Catwalk
The third task is again a catwalk challenge. This time you have to present an elegant evening gown on the runway. I think you all know how an evening gown looks like - elegant, coutury, sophisticated! Your make-up should match the dress and maybe you can combine it with some sparkling jewelry and accessories. I hope the following pictures are an inspiration for you:

Alright, that's it! I hope you will have fun doing these tasks and I wish you lots of luck!
DEADLINE: Saturday, December 1
DEADLINE: Saturday, December 1
I've decided to change the schedule and delay the deadline as well as the Finale again. More information will follow in a new post!
I hope you are as excited as me.
Stay tuned!
xoxo Rafael
Tuesday, November 20
6th Elimination!
Hello everybody and welcome to the 6th elimination ceremony!
Oh my, can you believe it that tomorrow the semi-finals will already start? That means we now have to find 5 girls who are still able to fight for the title.
Firstly, only I and Marie could judge this time...
So, this week was quite different to the other challenges, because this time everyone did an amazing job and there were only beautiful outfits to see. But unfortunately, one will have to leave us.
At this elimination ceremony, I will first give you the feed-back on the first task, then we'll talk about the interviews and then I will announce the 5 semi-finalists.
Ok, let's have a look at the outfits!

What an amazing outfit! This outfit really does fit the theme 'business chic'. It's classy, but also trendy. Marie and I simply love this outfit! The only thing I'm not happy about is that you forgot the runway.. Nevertheless, it's an outstanding task. :)

I like the outfit, it's very nice. However, it's not what I would call 'business chic', itt's more 'street chic', and that's not really what we were expecting. For example, if you took another top, like a white blouse, and maybe darker trousers, then it would have been more suitable for the business world. But I like the pose and the way you presented it. By the way, it's Prêt-à-Porter, not Pet-à-Porter. ;)

One word: WOW! Stunning outfit, stunning posel, stunning graphic! Clara, I'm so proud of how you've improved in the last three weeks. Your outfit is elegant, trendy and perfect for a business day. Marie thinks the expression of your doll is very good for the runway. She also says that you remind her of Miranda from "Sex and the City", haha.

Another gorgeous outfit! Your idea actually worked out very good, this is something that you really could wear at a meeting in the VOGUE office. It could actually be in the magazine itself, too. I simply love your graphic and the runway. Marie thinks so too, but she doesn't like the hair that much.

Inessa, this is a nice outfit. Black and white is something you can wear for any occassion and it always works for business! Our only concern is that it isn't as outstanding as other entries. I mean, it's really nice but not that special. Nevertheless it fits the theme ;)

Jody is our new posing queen, eh?! Haha, the way you presented the outfit is really great. The outfit is quite great, too. It's chic and classy although it's not really our cup of tea. Well done, Jody!
Okay guys, now let's go on with the Interviews...
You might asked yourself why you had this as the second task. Well, there's always a reason. I said that you should imagine you have an interview with a reporter of a famous blog/magazine. The only thing you didn't know - the interview was for a gossip blog. And you know they often tend to exaggerate things and start a hype about rumors and stuff.
Let's take a look at the headlines, shall we?
Will Nora celebrate Christmas all alone?!
Uh, what happened? The readers got attention and now they want to read everything. Of course they will understand what the headline means when they read the whole interview, but at first glance you might get a false impression.
This is your original answer:
"My biggest wish for christmas is that I could be with my family, because I actually live pretty far away from my family."
Getting on top without much effort?! Flora takes the risk
Quite a negative/confusing headline, but what made the reporter write such a headline?
"I think that I stand out from the others because of my decisions on making graphics. I love making simple graphics, without putting many effects (sounds like minimal)."
Of course I know what you meant, but some people might not understand that less is more...
No Plan B
What? No plan B for what?
Well, the question was if you have any plans if you don't win RNTM. And that's your answer:
"No I don't have any plans yet. / I can't imagine of anything.. Because Stardoll is these times not that inspiring for me. It's just a means to an end."
A reporter could get the impression that you don't have any plans or activities if you suddenly get eliminated. It's always important how you express your thoughts properly.
"Manda's passion for fashion"
Well, this is not a negative headline. It's quite clear why this headline has been taken.
"Oh I love everything with fashion. / Fashion is my Passion!!!"
That's true, in your interview we mainly could read about fashion. I must say, your interview was nearly perfect. You've never really mentioned something negative or selfish, even at the tricky questions. Well done!
Inessa has a big heart for children
Now that's a positive headline! There were a few things in your interview, but this here was definitely outstanding:
"I also love childrens so i decided to do a social placement in a kindergarden♥"
Aww, how cute! :3 Well done, you've managed to give a nice interview.
Jody isn't that interested in Stardoll
'Wait a minute, what??' And that's how people start reading your interview, haha. This is what you originally said:
"Is there anything on Stardoll that you'd also love to do besides modeling?
No, not on the stardoll page. What would it be? I don't want to become CG or NCG or catwalk winner. For me the world around stardoll is much more interesting".
See, at first sight this sounds very shocking, but after the interview people understand what you actually wanted to say.
By the way, what if you really becoem CG or NCG or catwalk winner one day? Wouldn't you be proud? ;P
Of course these aren't real interviews, but this task was a kind of practice for the future. If you get the chance to give an interview for a blog or a magazine, it's always important to watch out how you express things. Even when your thought are meant to be good - in the worst case they can be missunderstood.
Well, the elimination ceremony is coming to an end. I will now announce the semi-finalists. They are...
ExtravaganceSD, claragoosmann19, MandaMichalka and Jody_Cailin! Congratulations, you were absolutely stunning and you all deserved it!
One place remained free. And who will be the 5th (and last) semi-finalist? Flora or Inessa?
Both of you were lovely, but not very outstanding this week. Nevertheless, Marie and I have made a decision. The last semi-finalist ....... is...............
Inessa! Congratulations, you are in the semi-finals!!!!
Flora, I am sooo sorry for you, I know you really wanted this and I know you did your best, but unfornately it wasn't enough. You know, this is the second time that you are in the Bottom 2 and I just didn't see any further improvement. But I really hope that you will continue modeling. And don't forget, we'll see us again in the Finale ;)
That's all! Thank you for reading this post. The next tasks will be posted tomorrow!!
Stay tuned!
xoxo Rafael
Wednesday, November 14
6th Challenge!
Hey guys!
Before I tell you the new task, I gotta announce the winner of the week. So, the best contestants this time were ExtravaganceSD, Claragoosmann19, Jody_Cailin and MandaMichalka. But Manda won't have a chance to become the winner of the week because she was sooooo late (Sorry Manda!).
Anyway, the best out of these 4 were Jody and Clara. And the winner of the week is...
Claragoosmann19!!! Congratulations, Clara. You know, I personally liked Jody a tiny little bit better. But the reason why you became winner of the week is because last week you were in the Bottom 2, and now you were among the best. This was such a huge improvement which just had to be rewarded. So, your photos will be added to the "winners of the week" page. Plus you will be modeling for the official spoiler for the Finale of Cycle 5.
But... Jody was also really amazing, that's why you both will be gracing the spoiler! Congratulations. :)
Okay girls, let's go on.
This week, it's all about the modeling business; there are again two tasks.
Catwalk task
Yes, this week there'll be again a catwalk task. But this time we'll be doing Prêt-à-Porter instead of high fashion. Your task is to create a Business chic outfit with matching make-up and accessories and present the outfit on the catwalk. I'd appreciate if you will take Stardoll clothes. The pose and the background can be done with a graphic program. I hope these pictures here may help your imagination...

Before I tell you the new task, I gotta announce the winner of the week. So, the best contestants this time were ExtravaganceSD, Claragoosmann19, Jody_Cailin and MandaMichalka. But Manda won't have a chance to become the winner of the week because she was sooooo late (Sorry Manda!).
Anyway, the best out of these 4 were Jody and Clara. And the winner of the week is...
Claragoosmann19!!! Congratulations, Clara. You know, I personally liked Jody a tiny little bit better. But the reason why you became winner of the week is because last week you were in the Bottom 2, and now you were among the best. This was such a huge improvement which just had to be rewarded. So, your photos will be added to the "winners of the week" page. Plus you will be modeling for the official spoiler for the Finale of Cycle 5.
But... Jody was also really amazing, that's why you both will be gracing the spoiler! Congratulations. :)
Okay girls, let's go on.
This week, it's all about the modeling business; there are again two tasks.
Catwalk task
Yes, this week there'll be again a catwalk task. But this time we'll be doing Prêt-à-Porter instead of high fashion. Your task is to create a Business chic outfit with matching make-up and accessories and present the outfit on the catwalk. I'd appreciate if you will take Stardoll clothes. The pose and the background can be done with a graphic program. I hope these pictures here may help your imagination...

See? That's what the outfit should look like. Remember, Prêt-à-Porter is the opposite of high fashion, so it's something you really wear on the streets, in school, at work, and so on. You have to present the outfit in a cool and casual way. Just try to create a fashionable outfit that you feel comfortable in and that you'd really wear in the business world or on the streets.
Press interview
Here at RNTM, we want to help you to get into the world of fashion and modeling. We also want to prepare you for the rather tough job of a model. And as a successful model, you will also get in touch with the press. Especially after RNTM, you will be asked many questions for interviews, and that can be quite tricky. Why? Because what you tell them can influence your good reputation - in a postive or in a negative way.
That's why your second task for this week will be an interview because we want to see how you can handle such situations.
Imagine I am reporter for an international well-known Stardoll blog. Simply answer the following 10 questions in a comment:
*) You are a contestant at RNTM. What's it like to be in such a competition?
*) Why did you decide to apply for RNTM?
*) Have you had any problems or difficulties at one of the task so far?
*) Which task did you like best/didn't you like at all so far?
*) Can you describe a bit what makes you stand out from the rest of the contestants?
*) Do you think you can actually win this cycle? Or at least get among the Top 3?
*) Have you got any plans if you don't win RNTM?
*) Is there anything on Stardoll that you'd also love to do besides modeling?
*) Leaving the topic of RNTM, can you tell us what you like to do in your free time?
*) The interview is nearly over. For the last question, can you please tell us what's your biggest wish for Christmas?
"Thank you for the interview". Alright, I think that should satisfy the reporter, haha! Remember, think twice before you answer a question.
Important: You are allowed to post the comment with your interview only ONCE. If you forget a question, then you can of course add it. But please do not delete an interview that has already been posted!! At a real interview you only have one chance, too. So please stay fair and honest! ;)
That's why your second task for this week will be an interview because we want to see how you can handle such situations.
Imagine I am reporter for an international well-known Stardoll blog. Simply answer the following 10 questions in a comment:
*) You are a contestant at RNTM. What's it like to be in such a competition?
*) Why did you decide to apply for RNTM?
*) Have you had any problems or difficulties at one of the task so far?
*) Which task did you like best/didn't you like at all so far?
*) Can you describe a bit what makes you stand out from the rest of the contestants?
*) Do you think you can actually win this cycle? Or at least get among the Top 3?
*) Have you got any plans if you don't win RNTM?
*) Is there anything on Stardoll that you'd also love to do besides modeling?
*) Leaving the topic of RNTM, can you tell us what you like to do in your free time?
*) The interview is nearly over. For the last question, can you please tell us what's your biggest wish for Christmas?
"Thank you for the interview". Alright, I think that should satisfy the reporter, haha! Remember, think twice before you answer a question.
Important: You are allowed to post the comment with your interview only ONCE. If you forget a question, then you can of course add it. But please do not delete an interview that has already been posted!! At a real interview you only have one chance, too. So please stay fair and honest! ;)
DEADLINE: Sunday, November 18
I know there are only 4 days to do it, but please try to be punctual. The elimination ceremony will be on Tuesday, November 20. So if anybody has a good reason for a delay, then you'll have one more day!
Good luck everyone! Please contact me if you have any questions.
xoxo Rafael
Tuesday, November 13
5th Elimination
Hello everyone!
Sorry for the delay, I wanted to post this yesterday, but... it's just a too long and sad story. Anyway...
This week, or should I say the last two weeks, have quite been a chaos. But it's alright, we now got all entries and we can start now with the ceremony.
Unfortunately Jasmin couldn't judge with us. So Maria, Marie and I had a look at your tasks and this is our decision.
The circus shoot actually turned out pretty good. I like the pose and the idea. Maria also likes your photo very much. Unfortunately, the photo is lacking in quality, but that's okay because I know that you aren't all that practiced with graphics.
Sorry for the delay, I wanted to post this yesterday, but... it's just a too long and sad story. Anyway...
This week, or should I say the last two weeks, have quite been a chaos. But it's alright, we now got all entries and we can start now with the ceremony.
Unfortunately Jasmin couldn't judge with us. So Maria, Marie and I had a look at your tasks and this is our decision.

The circus shoot actually turned out pretty good. I like the pose and the idea. Maria also likes your photo very much. Unfortunately, the photo is lacking in quality, but that's okay because I know that you aren't all that practiced with graphics.

This is definitely not Crazy Couture. It's not even couture at all, it's more Prêt-à-Porter which is the complete opposite of Couture. I'm very disappointed, but not only because of this picture...
An anonymous user wrote a comment with a link to a picture which I recognized at once. Watch this:

I don't even have words for this. I mean, taking the hair or the pose of a dress-up doll is one thing, but taking the whole picture and slightly edit it is just copying. And it's very unfair to all the others who worked so hard on their tasks. I mean, you could have at least taken a different background or different clothes.
Sorry, we cannot accept that. I'm sure you didn't want to harm anyone or cause any problems, but this is in fact stealing.
Cayla, I'm very sorry but this means that you are eliminated! It was still nice to have you in this competition though. I hope you aren't too disappointed now, but don't forget that we'll see each other again very soon..

This photo turned out quite good although I'm not a big fan of that background. What we all don't like about the photo is the hat, I mean you just half of it. What I also don't like about it: It's a little overwhelming. The main thing about the photo is you, so I personally would have liked to see you in the center of attention and not the animals.

Sorry but I really don't like it. It's not Crazy Couture and it looks waaaaay too masculine. Don't get me wrong, I like the graphic and the outfit, but it's just not what we wanted to see. Also, the pose is too ordinary. I'm sorry to tell you but you have to wait for our final decision because you're in the Bottom 2...

Wow, this is amazing! This would be an awesome show at the circus. Marie, Maria and I think that this is actually one of the best photos this week! Maria even mentioned that this is one of the bravest ideas yet. Well done, Clara!

What can I say? Crazy hair, crazy outfit, amazing presentation... simply perfect! You've really improved sooo much since the last task. Congratulations Clara, this means you are in the next round. Very well done!

I.. am ... speechless! This is simply amazing. So artistic, so extravaganct... I love everything about it except the background, in my opinion it's a little plain. Maria said that the make-up isn't her cup of tea, but it's indeed fitting the outfit. Great job, Jody! :)

Now that's what I call Crazy Couture! It's very outstanding and one of the best outfits this week. I also love the pose. I think I don't need to say more. All judges think that you are one of the three best contestants this week! This means you are in the next round and maybe you'll also become winner of the week...
The photo is actually very good, but there some are tiny little flaws. For example, you look like a giant (or the people in the background are too little, whatever..). Also, we don't really get to see your pretty face. But all in one this is a very beautiful photo. I like the idea and the pose is very crazy. Well done, Inessa.
I don't really like your second task. It looks very rushed and I'm not a fan of your color scheme. The pose is too simple and I hope I don't have to mention that you were VERY late. Oh well...
But the outfit in general is very crazy and I think it's still a nice piece of work. But next time please make sure to be more punctual. Yes, there's gonna be a next time. You're in the next round, congratulations! :D

What an amazing photo! It's very crazy, very edgy and a wonderful idea. Maria also said that she simply loves this photo. Nora, this is again one very beautiful result!

Maria told me that she thinks this could be something that Lady Gaga would wear. I have to agree, this looks so crazy and fierce. The hair also reminds me of Malificent from "Sleeping Beauty". I love the patterns, the dress, the runway... it's perfect!! Congratulations, you are also in the next round.
Wow! That's what I thought when I first saw this photo. It's simply amazing, very crazy, very artistic and absolutely stunning. I love the color scheme, the make-up and the shoes. Although you were very late, this has to be one of my favorite photos this week!
Mmm, Dior... I love Dior and their Couture dresses. I think your version turned out pretty good. It's soft but there are edgy accents like the headpiece and the make-up. This is high fashion, this is Crazy Couture.
Manda, I have to tell you that you're in the next round! Congratulations, you did a great job.

I personally like this photo. The graphic is well done and I love the background. Maria also likes your circus picture but she thinks the hands look choppy and not very realistic. I as a graphic designer have to agree, but hey, I think that doesn't really matter as the overall result is quite good.

Well this is more Haute than Crazy Couture. Plus there's no runway. I mean, it looks very elegant and sophisticated, but that's not what we have expected. I'm very sorry but you are in the Bottom 2.
Bottom 2
Despina vs Flora
The Finale is getting closer with every day, and that's why we have to eliminate two persons this time. And one of you will be joining Cayla... I always hate it to let people leave the competition, but that's the game. Only one can be the winner.
Flora, you were very weak this time. I was very disappointed because last week you were so strong. What happened? Despina, you were indeed better than last time, but still not outstanding (although Maria thought that your "Crazy" Couture outfit was much more interesting than Flora's outfit).
One of you will still have the chance to fight for the title. And that girl is..........
Flora!! Congratulations, you are in the next round. I hope you will do better at the next task.
Despina, I'm very sorry but you are eliminated. The reason why you have to leave us is that we haven't seen any huge improvement for the last three weeks. I hope you had fun being a contestant here, and don't forget that you will be part of the Top 12 Walk in the Finale. We wish you all the best for your future.
That's all folks! We still couldn't decide for the winner of the week, but I will announce her tomorrow as well as the 6th challenge.
xoxo Rafael
Saturday, November 10
Tick tock tick tock ...
Time flies very fast... too fast. Guys, you know why I always wanted my contestants to be punctual? Because this competition is only planned to durate 15 weeks, but those are nearly over. Partly it's my fault, I know I wasn't always punctual myself. Anyway, it's about the Finale. It was actually planned to be on December 1st, but there are only 3 (!) weeks left, but also 3 other challenges are left (including the final tasks), therefore it looks like this cycle will last 16 weeks.
So, the new date for the Finale is Saturday, December 8th. I'm already excited for it, but I hope now there won't be any other delay.
xoxo Rafael
So, the new date for the Finale is Saturday, December 8th. I'm already excited for it, but I hope now there won't be any other delay.
xoxo Rafael
Monday, November 5
Winner of the week...
Hey guys!
I know this is coming quite late, but I've waited for a response of the other judges and I haven't got any yet. So I decided to choose the winner of the week (for task 4) on my own.
Well, the best ones were definitely PrettiestWoman, MandaMichalka, Inessa... and ExtravaganceSD. You all did an amazing job, but only one can bethis last week's winner. And the winner is...............................
Manda!! Congratulations, you are the winner of task 4. To be honest, I couldn't think of a good prize or modeling job I could offer you, so I thought I'd just give you 30sd. Hope you use them for shopping at the Starplaza. Simply reserve me anything in your Starbazaar for 30sd (with taxes that would be 33sd).
By the way, Manda and Clara mentioned they have a busy timetable at school, so you two may send in the tasks 1-2 days later.
Stay tuned!
xoxo Rafael
I know this is coming quite late, but I've waited for a response of the other judges and I haven't got any yet. So I decided to choose the winner of the week (for task 4) on my own.
Well, the best ones were definitely PrettiestWoman, MandaMichalka, Inessa... and ExtravaganceSD. You all did an amazing job, but only one can be
Manda!! Congratulations, you are the winner of task 4. To be honest, I couldn't think of a good prize or modeling job I could offer you, so I thought I'd just give you 30sd. Hope you use them for shopping at the Starplaza. Simply reserve me anything in your Starbazaar for 30sd (with taxes that would be 33sd).
By the way, Manda and Clara mentioned they have a busy timetable at school, so you two may send in the tasks 1-2 days later.
Stay tuned!
xoxo Rafael
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