Thursday, March 17

4th Elimination

Hello out there!
I am sorry (again) for being late (again). But today had school very long, and then I had something very important to do. I just came home.
So right now I will tell ya the elimination.

You did all an EXCELLENT job, but one must be eliminated. Goodbye to... Vessts
I am sorry but this time you just gave 99%. I am very sorry, but we need to kick you out. :(
Good Luck for your future, we wish ya all the best.

And now to some more sad sad news about a contestant...
As she has much to do with school, Lider090 has decided to leave RNTM. I am very sad I need to let such a great talent go.. but it was her decission and we all respect that. So, we wish her all the best for her future modeling career... Maybe she we will see her in a Stardoll-Magazine, who knows...

I'll post the next challenge on Saturday, so stay tuned.
Love, Rafi101


Pale+Green said...

Well i guess theres a next time. I enjoyed this experience. :D

Rafael/Rafi101 said...

@Vessts: There's always a next time. I wish you all the best and I enjoyed having you in the contest. ;)

Vivien.. said...

When start the new challenge?;D

miley4live96 said...

it will be posted soon (;