Anywaayyy ....
It's been a long journey up to now and I can't wait to present you the results.
First of all, I'd like to thank all the participants that you all were able to deliver the entries in time.
If you don't know it yet, Carrie aka Cheekycazbo1 had to leave RNTM due to a wrist injury. I'm very sad that she can't compete any longer and it was great to have her. This means that only 4 girls are left. And one of you will have to go. Who has to go? And who will be in the grand Finale?
Here are the results!

I have to admit that I don't really like the first picture. The hair isn't done very well, although you have improved a lot. But, I have to say that I simply LOVE the advert. The hair is a thousand times better than on the first graphic. The make-up is simple and natural which fits the overall theme of your ad campaign. Everything looks so fresh and natural and I like your slogan as well. Graphicwhise I can't really complain about it, either. Maybe you could have shaded your face a bit, but that's just fine :)
The focus of the photoshoot is on the hair which looks okay - you've improved on it but the wow-factor is missing. The rest of the graphic is quite boring and you chose unattractive colours, mainly grey. Whereas your first shoot wasn't that convincing, your ad certainly is! It looks fresh and natural and that's how I want my shampoo to be. The colours are appealing and it would have been even better if you shaded your face.
The presentation is very simple, maybe a little too simple. I think there is way too much gray in the whole thing. I would've liked some fresh summer colors. Anyways your hair itself is quite nice, even though it's a normal straight cut. This part is pretty average and not one of myfaovrites. Thumps up for improving your hair technique, though.
In comparison to your previous part this one is the whole ooposite! The hair looks so nice, very natural, very healthy, it looks alive. Overall the hair has a very lovely swing. Your face also looks beautiful in here! It underlines the natural type! You also did a great job on 'selling' the product! I would definitely buy it if I would see it on a poster while traveling through our shopping mile. Love the fresh green colors in mix of the white colors btw! :)

I really like the idea behind this photo. I like the hair in this graphic very much. I can see that you worked really hard on this one. The background is nice, but it's a little too blurry for my taste. The skin shading isn't my cup of tea, either. I think you should still work on that, add more layers with shading and watch where the light is coming from because you sometimes have the shading in the wrong place.
I like the first impression you get when you look at your naked shoot. But if you take a closer look, you can easily discover some mistakes: the small part of the other arm looks as if it was a part of your tummy or breast, two strands of hair look very randomly placed and bith the background and the stones(?) in front of you look very blurry. All in all a nice idea and you can be proud of your hair, but if you invested one more hour to improve it, it would have been magnificent.
This one looks very pretty, the hair is pretty nice and matches the exotic feeling. I'm just not a fan of the skin shading and pose. I think the pose could be even more sexy and sensual. The shading is also pretty average.
But you again fulfilled that beautiful natural feeling.

I think you did a good job with the runway task. I like the hair and the outfit, even though it could have been more extravagant. The skin shading in this graphic is much better than in your other entries. I also like the fact that there's a big projection of yourself. The pose is good but nothing too special, though. Nevertheless you did a great job!
Your gaga outfit lookes very good, apart fron the ad it is your best entry of all four. The outfit is crazy, although I wouldn't have minded if it was even crazier! Maybe I would have added some spotlights instead of the huge projection of yourself, but everything else is fine.
You did a quite nice job on that! The pose is really nice and totally reminds me of Gaga. I also like the outfit, even though I think it could be even more extravagant and crazier! The only thing I'm not a fan of here is that it doesn't look very wavy because the contours go straight downward.
Your gaga outfit lookes very good, apart fron the ad it is your best entry of all four. The outfit is crazy, although I wouldn't have minded if it was even crazier! Maybe I would have added some spotlights instead of the huge projection of yourself, but everything else is fine.
You did a quite nice job on that! The pose is really nice and totally reminds me of Gaga. I also like the outfit, even though I think it could be even more extravagant and crazier! The only thing I'm not a fan of here is that it doesn't look very wavy because the contours go straight downward.

Wow, your hair has improved soo much! I love it, it looks so wavey and shiney, exactly like hair has to look like! You barely shaded the face and the neck which is a shame. It's also sad that there isn't really a background, but I guess it's because the focus is on the hair.
The ad campaign is quite good, I love the fact that you aren't advertising a shampoo, but a haircolor. The background is very plain and the slogan isn't very creative. But I love the hair - it's really gorgeous. Overall you did a good job!
The ad campaign is quite good, I love the fact that you aren't advertising a shampoo, but a haircolor. The background is very plain and the slogan isn't very creative. But I love the hair - it's really gorgeous. Overall you did a good job!
Your photo shoot is very minimalistic, it doesn't even have a background, unfortunately. The hair is a big improvement compared to your last entries though! Overall, the photo shoot is technically good, but not creative. The ad is more creative but looks worse than the photo shoot. The hair is, again, good and the colour very bright, thumbs up for that. But your collarbonesare awkward and whatever you are wearing - I can't distinguish what it exactly is. Nice idea, bad execution.
The hair looks so shiny and so wavy, it flows so naturally, I love it! Simple presentation, beautiful face, beautiful hair! Maybe a bit too boring but you did a great Job!
The second one isn't my favorite, the idea is great but the implementation could've been better! The hair looks actually very nice, but that red color is in my opinion way too agressive. I wouldn't want do have my hair like this! I'm sorry but it's really not my favorite. :/
The hair looks so shiny and so wavy, it flows so naturally, I love it! Simple presentation, beautiful face, beautiful hair! Maybe a bit too boring but you did a great Job!
The second one isn't my favorite, the idea is great but the implementation could've been better! The hair looks actually very nice, but that red color is in my opinion way too agressive. I wouldn't want do have my hair like this! I'm sorry but it's really not my favorite. :/

Well, it wasn't really what I expected, but I like your interpretation of this task. To be honest, that is really unflattering pose, a different pose would have been better. The hair isn't as good as on your hair commercial graphics, but overall it's really good as well as the skin shading. I like the background, looks very peaceful! ;)
Starting off with the positive, you really took a step forward concernign hair and your skin up to the beginning of the hair looks quite great! Unfortunately, you shaded your arms not as good. Try not to shade dark on both sides of the arm, remember that the light is coming form only one direction - always keep that in mind while shading. I would have prefered it if you stood closer at the waterfall. Overall, well done.
Your naked editorial photoshoot is great! I love the pose and I love the hair! It fits the background very well and your face looks flawless! Everything matches everything, love it!

Wow! I love the outfit. The first that came to my mind when I saw it was Lady Gaga singing "We live for the fame ..." I love your pose, it's very extravagant. All spotlights are on you and girl you really deserved to take center stage. I have to say this is one of the better Lady Gaga entries. Absolutely stunning, I have nothing more to say.
Crazy! So extravagant, so gaga. Well done for choosing that outfit. The execution, mainly the skin shading, isn't very good, but the outfit is so impressive that one barely notices. And thumbs up for doing a bonus version, i enjoyed watching it! A lot of work must have went into it but it defintiely payed off, I really enjoyed the new poses.
Gorgeous Outfit, gorgeous hair, gorgeous makeup! I love your attitude, it is really gaga! Maybe the colors r a little bit too glaring, but that's what makes it extravagant and crazy so you fulfilled the task! Nice Job on that little Runway Video Presentation btw! ;)

All I can say about this is OH - MY - GOSH!!! Lindsey, I'm soooo extremely proud of you! You did it, you finally showed us what you can do. You came out of your comfort zone and created an unbelievably perfect hairstyle. It's simply amazing!! The hair is pure perfection! I love the concept about both of your pictures, they are connected with each other and that is exactly what I wanted. You really understood the task and made a perfect commercial out of it. I love the fact that you're selling your own product which is HAUTE cosmetics. I can already see this standing on the shelves of my local supermarket. I love the slogan, it's so creative!! Believe me, if women see your commercial, this product will be sold out in no time! The only thing that could have been better is the face shading. I would have really loved if you shaded your face a big more. Other than that, I don't have any complaints. Perfectly done, my dear!
OMG, that hair! You must have spent hours, if not days on it! It looks very real and 3D and so admirable. Nevertheless, your doll looks quite sad in the photoshoot, maybe due to the lack of makeup or the simple background. But this is just a little minus as the hair is so great. The ad is magnificient aswell, I would certainly buy that shampoo if I got that hair afterwards. The dress is lovely, too. the only aspect that distracts me is that the head looks a little off, as if the neck would be missing. I would also appreciate it if you shaded your face as much as you shade skin, otherwise it looks as if they didn't belong together. But all in all: amazing!
The Hair is pure perfection in my eyes! I want this hair lol, I want to have it in my wardrobe and be able to put it on my own head to look flawless whenever I want! :P
Your ad campaign is my favorite from all of the entries! You look so awesome! The hair is brilliant, just as the dress! You litterally really sold this Hair Shampoo to me! Nothing more to add.

All I can say about this is basically "Wow". Lindsey, this is again pure perfection. The hair is simply perfect! I love how you did a side shot, it turned out more than well. The skin shading is a bit dark in some parts, though. I'd suggest you to add more layers and therefore lower the opacity of each layer. Then the skin would look even more natural and realistic. The photo on the whole is really great, it really captured your natural beauty and your emotions. I love the pose because it isn't too revealing, but also not too understated either, as you already mentioned in the comments. The background is awesome, it really fits the overall theme of your photo, even though I would have wished to see some tropical plants somewhere as the location was meant to be a tropical waterfall. All in one, well done!
First of all, thumbs up for doing your own background, it looks both beautiful and mystical! Your doll looks thoughtful and mystical aswell but at the same time natural. Your photoshoot seems to tell a story which I really like. It's close to perfection (if you changed the lip colour to something more natural, it might have been).
Wow Lindsey you look so sensual and beautiful and also sexy in here! The hair is marvelous and you did a great job on that side view of your face! Beautiful Makeup too! The background is very well made!

I like the outfit, even though it isn't crazy/extravagant enough. But it has that typicall pattern of Lady Gaga's Paparazzi look and the gorgeous Mickey shades. Again, there isn't much shading in your face and the overall skin shading is a bit too dark, especially on the legs which don't look very good. Anyway, I see a lot of modeling potential in you and I believe that you can go very far!
This is cute, but it is not Lady Gaga. As much as I agree with you on wearability and that hers isn't everyone's style, but sometimes, you just have to follow the task. Graphicwise, it's good, just the knees are strange, but knees are hard to do. The dress is something I would wear in my free time, but Lady Gaga always wears extravagant clothes, even when she visited the queen. A mediocre task.
I love your own little interpretation of that Paparazzi Outfit and the dress is gorgeously shaded. Love your Mickey Shades by the way! I would have loved to maybe see you with another very extravagant hairstyle. I also like your Pose but I'm not sure if the legs are shaded too dark. Well done!

Mangun, what can I say? I simply love it, your hair looks amazing!! So natural, wavey and full of volume. I love your idea behind the ad campaign, the slogan fits your campaign very well. By the way, I'm in love with your face shading. I don't think that I have anything else to say because I haven't spotted any major flaws! ;)
I LOVE the hair photoshoot! It's so gorgeous and beautiful, I just love that hair! The background is boring, but I don't mind because that hair looks so good and your doll does, too. The ad isn't as wonderful as the photo shoot but still good! The black thing looks weird, but the slogan is matching the graphic. The idea of holding a strain of hairs in your hand is good, although it isn't clear at first sight tha you do so.
This Hair Shoot is so beautiful! It's so wavy, natural, so powerful, so alive! Looove it! The face expression is flawless and that hair gives me goosebumps! Love it!
The commerial is a very nice idea, the most creative one I think. Again, the hair is very wavy, natural and healthy. I love the presentation and the red lips underline the headline "strong woman". The pose matches perfectly and give a very strong expression to the whole scheme. Well done on that!

Hmm, I'm not really a fan of this. Starting with the positive aspects, the background is very pretty! I have to say that I'm on the fence because the pose isn't very pleasing. The skin shading isn't very good either and everything looks very blurry. The hair looks very shiney, though, it's probably the best part in your photo.
This is my least favourite of all 4 graphics. Whereas I really love the idea behind it and the background aswell as the hair are wonderful, I'm disappointed by the body of your doll, it looks like a big ball of skin with one arm and two legs. Try to work on the outlines of the different body parts.
In comparison to the other tasks this one is the weakest- The pose looks pretty weird and squeezed. It's hard to recognize the distances between arms, legs and hands. That's the reason you couldn't portray sexyness for me. :/ On another positive aspect, the hair is very nice!

WOW! This outfit simply screams "My name is Lady Gaga and this is my Haus". I love love love your interpretation of this look. Love the shoes, love the dress, the skin shading is perfect and I'm absolutely in love with your hair. Too bad that you didn't add any spotlights, but other than that, it's simply perfect! 'Nuff said. :3
Lady Mangagagun! You look crazy but stylish and that was the look you had to go for! Lovely hair, lovely makeup, wonderful pose, wonderful dress, ... I didn't find that much flaws or mistakes!
Your Gaga Outfit is my favorite out of all! You did great making the outfit your own! The skin shading is flawless and I really love the body part of the dress! These ornaments on the skirt and on the right shoulder are so fierce and beautiful! The hair is amazing as well and your face looks gorgeous! I adore the makeup. Everything is great!
Now there's only one question left - who will be part of the Finale of RNTM Cycle 6?!
Some background music for the decision.
If you don't click "play" you shall burn in hell!!
Just kidding ...
Giselle, Virginia, Lindsey and Mangun ... you are the last remaining contestants of this cycle. You've gone through a loooong journey until now. You all can be very very proud of yourself because you all made it very far. But only three of you will pass this round. WHO will be in the great Finale of RNTM?
Remember, only one can win 200 stardollars. Only one will be on the cover of the RNTM Backstage Magazine. Only one of you will get an exclusive contract with Sparkle Model Management and all the modeling jobs that are connected to this contract. And only one of you will get the title Rafael's Next Top Model Cycle 6.
The first contestant who is in the Finale ..... is ......
...... Mangun. Mangun. MANGUN, you are the first finalist. Congratulations!!!
Three contestants are still left. Lindsey, Giselle, Virginia ... one of you will be the next finalist. One of you ... and this .... person .... is .....
*takes a deep breath* ... Lindsey! Congratulations my dear, you are the second finalist!! You really deserved it my dear. I hope you are happy about that. Lindsey, you have so much potential and I always knew you were meant to come this far. Don't let others bring you down, stay strong my dear!
Bottom 2
Giselle and Virginia. It all comes down to you two. I am very proud of you two. Both of you did a marvellous job, and I hope you are also proud of yourself. I can tell you that it was a very very hard decision for me and the judges, but in the end, we all had the same opinion. We made a decision, and even though both of you would deserve it to be in the Finale, only one will be a finalist.
Who will have the chance to compete in the great Finale along with Lindsey and Mangun? Who has still got the chance to become the winner of Cycle 6? Is it Giselle? Is it Virginia? Is it Giselle? Is it Virginia? It is Virginia!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS MY DEAR!!!!!
You are the last finalist, you are in the Top 3! Congratulations, I really hope you are as excited as me.
Giselle, I really hope that you aren't too disappointed. I am soooo sorry that you couldn't make it. It was such a tough decision and you've improved so much. But in the end Virginia was slightly better than you.
I hope you enjoyed your time here in this competition and I also hope you will still continue modeling. I'm sure you will make your way. And don't forget, you will be part of the Top 13 Walk in the great Finale!
Giselle, I wish you all the best for your future from the bottom of my heart. Goodbye!
Wow, that's it. We have our Top 3 finalists. Woohooo!!! The final tasks will be posted in a few moments. Thanks for your patience. Stay tuned!
xoxo Rafael
*cries* thank you so much! I'm honored to be able to take part in the finale! I only hope my entries will do at least half the justice that I just KNOW Mangun and Virginia will bring!
As for Gisele, you're so talented - don't you dare give up! I hope to see more of your work soon :)
I'm waiting for the final task!
WOW, OMG! Thank you so much!!
I clicked play, and I was in hell for two minutes while carefully reading the post...
Mangun and Lindsey, both are fabulous, so it´s like heaven for me to be in the top 3.
Giselle, you are a great person and great friend.
Thanks to the judges, it´s an honour!!
Also, I will keep in mind what one of you said: "the light is coming form only one direction" Thanks, all these tips help me to improve each day.
Well this have been such a great and wonderful experience for me! I've really enjoyed being part of this competition.
It really helped me a lot in the improvement of my graphics. But I'm happy for reaching this far, with really talented people like Lindsey, Mangun and Virginia!
Honestly being in this part of the competition surprise me A LOT! I never thought I would be here...
I'm not gonna lie, I'm not disappointed, I'm happy (? I mean the most important is that I had the chance to be in the competition.
Thanks so much, this have been such a great journey! :'D
Good luck girls, you have done an extraordinary work!
And thanks again!
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