Monday, February 27

2nd Challenge!

UPDATE: New deadline: Sunday, March 11!

Heyo! I'm back and I brought the second task with me. I'm sorry I didn't post it on Friday but I couldn't, I was gone to a convention...
Anyway, here's the final task for the callbacks - so this means after this task our Top 13 will be announced!!! So give your best. Here's what you got to do:

"I kill for fashion"
Quote by Lady Gaga

This is the theme for your new task! Create a scenery with a dark and mystic backround and yourself wearing gorgeous designer clothes. Your "victim" may be one of your friends and should be undressed. Take a screenshot of the scenery and save it. You also are allowed to edit it on a graphics programm like Gimp or Photoshop to make it black & white, but you need not. ;) I hope everything is clear.

Deadline: Wednesday, March 7

Good luck. xoxo Rafael


Daniela said...

I hope you like it ;)

MaryChristmas11 said...


this is my Link:

I hope you Like it ^.^


Anonymous said...

This is from silly-millie
my link is
Thanks for keeping me in! Cant wait to find out if i get thru!

Anonymous said...

This is from silly-millie
my link is
Thanks for keeping me in! can't wait to find out if i get thru! even if i don't, thanks for the opportunity

Anonymous said...

silly-millie again, sorry, ignore my 1st comment

Anonymous said...

hi, here`s my picture:

i know there are better, bur i am really in a hurry.
personal note:
the cat on the arm of my doll sypolizes the old villain stereotype =)

kaja97x33 said...

Here's my entry ;)
I hope you'll like it ;D
I was a little bit in a hurry with this task because I was ill the last days :/

My link:

xoxo kaja97x33

Cathérine Cerise said...

absolutely had no time =/ scenery can be seen at my sceneries, I'll try to upload it tomorrow. But don't expect too much... :D

tanjeshka said...

Cathérine Cerise said...

I uploaded it today but as you can see at my profile it has been created within the deadline

Anonymous said...

when comes the list with the next 13?