Hello and very welcome to the first elimination ceremony of Cycle 4! I must say I was really impressed by your work, the most were real good and some were just amazing! I'm not really happy that one or two didn't send in their task, but it's okay because 80% of the contestants did a good job. I mean you did some great work for the first task ;)
For the callbacks I decided all alone because we gotta cut the Top 20 down to 13 within only 2 tasks. Because that is pretty much (but pretty less 'cos there are only 2 challenges for the callbacks) it will be easier when I decide on my own. For the beginning I really just want to see if you got some potential or not.
Now let's start with the feed-back!!
Of course I want to start with the best of you. Who really did an awesome was...
- mathildamath - You looked very glamourus, I really got the feeling that you were a diva and that you enjoyed the task. The make-up also really fit the theme and matched your outfit. Well done!
- muffins97 - You were stunning, on the scenery you looked very elegant, the pose was lovely and your make-up was wonderful! The only thing I don't like is your backround, it looks more like a photoshoot-studio than a desert. But it's alright, I'll forgive you. Haha just kidding ;)
- kaja97x33 - Your pose was daring, outstanding and edgy. It really looked like an Editorial photoshoot in the desert for a high-fashion magazine. And your make-up was *mwwah* flawless!
There were also sceneries which were very simple and were kept easy, but they still looked very elegant and classy, like darleen.., silly-millie and 19Sara99. That was also quite nice from all three of you.
To my mind the tasks of SchnuffiPups, Dreamiiiii and GoldenIsabelle were okay, but you can also practice on the posing skills.
I didn't really the sceneries of Anubis-Fan1999 and MaryChristmas11 because I think they didn't really fit the theme. And the task of luzy11 was too commercial. You 3 should really pratice if you want to make your dreams come true.
ichhallo - Well, I think the outfit looked sexy, but you really need to work on your outfits and on your poses. Please practice!! Always try your best, give 100% but be yourself. ;)
Now who is in? Who made it into the next round??
MissSosy2001 hasn't been online for 3 weeks, so this means she's eliminated. SuperMiaStar also hasn't been online recently or leaved a message. Sadly she'll be eliminated too. MissBeautyBabe1 quit, she left the Top 20 because of the great pressure. Zuckerwatte1999 hasn't done her task, so she's also eliminated.
Now Junebugie and PrettyAngel188 also haven't done the challenge, but I still want to keep them in as they've got an interesting look and I want to try it with them for a last time. I really want to see if they've got the potential...
The rest of you stays in. So here are the contestants that made it into the next (and last) round of the callbacks:
- mathildamath
- MaryChristmas11
- darleen..
- 19Sara99
- muffins97
- Junebugie
- Kaja97x33
- PrettyAngel188
- lisididi1
- Dreamiiiii
- luzy11
- silly-millie
- Anubis-Fan1999
- SchnuffiPups
- GoldenIsabelle
- ichhallo
woow, thank you :)
wow, cool ^^. Does the order of the costestants has any meaning? (1st mentioned - 1st place, 2nd mentioned - 2nd place, etc) or is it random?
@Catherine: No the order has no meaning, if you look closely it is the same order as the Top-20-Announcement (which was also in no particular order).
Most of the time it's random, in fact.
actually I meant the text above but never mind :D
thanks for putting me through! cant wait for the next challenge :)
By the way, silly-millie made the last comment and this comment
@Catherine: That's also in no particular order ;D
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