Monday, June 20

Spoiler + Info

[I'm working on a new banner]

Heyo!! The official Spoiler of the second issue of "RNTM Backstage Magazine" has been released on the -->homepage. The graphic is made by miley4live96. Covergirl is our Topmodel maleen122. Enjoy the cover:

Excited for Thursday? Actually I wanted the cover to be in a light red, but I don't know, Mary just did it this way, she said it would look better this way. Anyway, I think it really looks gorgeous, and the dress is emphasized without the red backround.
Little Information:
We have HALF-TIME! There are still 3 weeks left to apply for Cycle 3! Hurry up, tell all your friends and spread the word in every single guestbook/presentation/blog!!
On Jule 12, there will be a big surprise - I only say spoiler, video and finale (oops, I've said too much).
We also need a theme song for the third cycle! I can't decide which one I should choose, please leave a comment with the song you prefer:
*) Lady Gaga - Black Jesus | Amen Fashion
*) Lady Gaga - Bad Kids
*) Lady Gaga - Fashion Of His Love (Remix)
*) Lady Gaga - Judas (Hurts Remix)
*) Lady Gaga - Scheiße
*) Dabruck & Klein feat. Michael Feiner - The Feeling
*) Ke$ha - Tik Tok (Fred Falke Radio Remix)
(If you don't like any of them, suggest another one you'd like. But it would be nice if you vote for a song from the list)
xxx Rafael


Nikolettaki said...

Ke$ha - Tik Tok (Fred Falke Radio Remix)

miley4live96 said...
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miley4live96 said...

Judas (Hurts Remix) but I think Mr. Saxobeat from Cassandra Stan is great for Cycle 3 as well (;

Anonymous said...


maleen122 said...

@miley: That's exactly what I thought - Mr. Saxobeat would be awesome for Cycle 3.
But of your songs I'd chose Lady Gaga - Bad Kids and by the way, my name is maleen122 NOT maleen788, this name appeared several times.
Greetings, maleen 1 2 2 ;-)

Rafael/Rafi101 said...

@Maleen: I never said that name, xD. Wow, now there are just 2 votes for the same song which is not on the list, because everybody wants another song from Gaga! :D
J'adore Bad Kids, it's one of fave gaga-songs ;D

prettygurl60 said...

I vote for JUDAS Remix!

Condi Eiffelfeld said...

Hi Rafi! My Vote:
"Scheiße" as well as "Bad Kids!"

Anonymous said...

what about OMG by far east movement?
but i do vote for JUDAS! :)

miley4live96 said...

Ohh yes OMG -Far East Movement would be good as well :D

Anonymous said...

Yeah Mr.Saxobit would be great.
But I prefer Judas!

RobinBerghmans/doll2005(stardoll) said...

I would vote for 1 Judas hurt remix and 2 Black Jezus/Amens fashion. But I think Born this way would be good also just because of the mening of the song...