Wednesday, March 30

New Opportunity for a Modeling Contract

This is your chance to get on the top! Do not miss this chance, apply now!
I wish ya all good luck, if you get (maybe, who knows..) please let us know in a comment. ;-)

P.s.: I signed up too..

xoxo Rafi101

Thursday, March 24

5th Challenge + New Media Partner + SFW

I know, today is NOT Saturday, but I was very busy (in a way..). Sorry, but this is private, so.. *-*
Here's the next Challenge for our 10 contestants:

We'll have  photoshoot... well, actually it will be a scenery, but let's call it "photoshoot". So, it's not a normal shoot, there's a theme for it... LEOPARDS!!   °-°
You need to create a jungle backround, and all you have to wear is a leo-printed outfit. Doesn't matter what. It can be a dress, a top with leggins or a bikini (I think there's a leopard-printed bikini at RIO).
Save it and send us either the link to the scenery or where we can find it (please tell us the name of your scenery) in a comment!

Deadline: March 31, 2011

Also, I wanna present ya our new Media Partner: Stardoll Roses!!
Wonderful, what? I'm very honored to be a media partner with such an amazing fashion line. Thanks to evermore1girl for accepting the partnership.

And I got some more exciting news: THE STARDOLL FASHION WEEK HAS BEGUN THIS TUESDAY!!!! AHHH It's so amazing, you really have to attend. Until Sunday, SFW is showing the collections of new designers and well-known designers. Here's the Fashion Week Plan:

(click to enlarge)
Click HERE to visit the Fashion Week. If you wanna be a real Topmodel it is a MUST to go there, or you will never reach the top. Get inspired, and enjoy ;D
Stay tuned, your Rafi101

Thursday, March 17

4th Elimination

Hello out there!
I am sorry (again) for being late (again). But today had school very long, and then I had something very important to do. I just came home.
So right now I will tell ya the elimination.

You did all an EXCELLENT job, but one must be eliminated. Goodbye to... Vessts
I am sorry but this time you just gave 99%. I am very sorry, but we need to kick you out. :(
Good Luck for your future, we wish ya all the best.

And now to some more sad sad news about a contestant...
As she has much to do with school, Lider090 has decided to leave RNTM. I am very sad I need to let such a great talent go.. but it was her decission and we all respect that. So, we wish her all the best for her future modeling career... Maybe she we will see her in a Stardoll-Magazine, who knows...

I'll post the next challenge on Saturday, so stay tuned.
Love, Rafi101

Tuesday, March 15

New Feature!

Hey models and viewers, how are you all? Have you seen that picture on the front page lately? I am sure you want to know why I put ir there. But more later.
First, I wanna thank all my models for their pretty and creative outfits. They were all amazing. So, the jugdes and me will decide who will be eliminated.  I will post the elimination this night because I won't have much time this afternoon. When I post it, I have got to tell you some (sad) news, but more tomorrow.

Now I want to present ya a brandnew "feature" on RNTM Blog! I made a screenshot of all our contestants and put it on the bottom of the page. For what use?
Well, you see the Top 12. So, whenever I eliminate a girl, she will be gone from the pic. So you see who is still in the contest without looking up (because I won't write every name again and again and again...). I also put a little note into the side-bar that you know where you can find the pic.
I hope you like it.

Stay tuned,

Sunday, March 13

Information: About the Jury...

Hey guys, I just wanted to inform you that MissKosovo_97 left the jury because she has no time. She is very busy with school, friends and so on...
Well, a real topmodel also needs to say "no" to something when she knows that she can't do it. I think that she has done an excellent job and she is always welcome. :)
Let's wish her lots of luck for ther future.

So, tomorrow is the Deadline for Challenge 4... who will be eliminated?
Stay tuned, Rafi101

Thursday, March 10

New Media Partner

I'm honored to welcome a new Media Partner for RNTM:
The Blog is owned by one of our beautiful contestants: Avniarisha! ;D
Stay tuned! xoxo Rafi101

Tuesday, March 8

4th Challenge: Star-Look-a-Like

Welcome to the 4th Challenge. Sorry that I'm late (as always) but I just could post it now.
So, the Top 12... it is going to be more difficult and more exciting.
So, think of your favorite female star. Then think of her styling and her Make-Up. Got it? So here's the Challenge:

Make a Star-Look-a-Like of your fave star, this means: dress up like her and upload it on (or on any other blog) and send us the link in a comment. Also, write by which star you were inspired.

Deadline: Monday, March 14

Please don't be late. ;-)
Stay tuned, your Rafi101

Oh I forgot something.... About the Wild Card: 
It makes NO sense if you sign up for a wild card if you are already in the contest!!
 *looks at angix33 and Petzgirl98*
Please don't forget that everyone can order a Wild Card if they were not under the Top 14! 

Sunday, March 6

3rd Elimination + Special Announcement

Hello models and viewers and welcome to our third elimination of RNTM. We had a look at all of your beautiful sceneries. Miley4live96 cut them all together, if you want to see them click on this link:
We are really sorry but we had to decide for 2 girls who need to leave RNTM. The 2 girls are...

claragoosmann19 and DivaMiley1992
I am really sorry but the others were a little bit better. It was great having you here. Me and the other judges wish you all the best.

So, let's welcome our Top 12:
angix33, Petzgirl98, Lider090, Avniarisha, Vessts, maleen122, BestDamnFreak, sweety-Melissa4, BellaMarySwan, N.E.S.S.Y.X.D., Candyfloss_girl and Vivien..

Congratulations, you did an excellent job! As I told you the Top 12 will be something very important, because now I will make a picture of all our girls together and put it on the top of the Blog. There you will see who is in the contest because whenever a girl gets eliminated, she will be gone from the pic.
Also, from now we will only eliminate 1 girl.

And now a special Announcement!

I know, the final of this Cycle is still far away, but now you have got the chance to get a Wild Card for Cycle 3!! This means everyone who was not in the Top 16 can apply for a Wild Card. Just click on the button "Get a Wild Card" in the register (under the Header) and sign up by leaving a comment.
Just go there and read more information.
Tell everyone to sign up NOW.

Stay tuned, because I will post the next Challenge tomorrow. ;)
See ya, Rafael

Saturday, March 5

New Fashion Line coming soon..

New Media Partner

Hey, I have some great news: We have a new Media Partner! *Yay*
OUr new Media Partner is the great TK_Cullen... with her blog TeeKay Graphiques. In the moment she signed up and I visited her blog I was amazed. To visit her stunning blog click on this link:
The official Blog-Logo:

You can see her blog now on our "Sponsors & Media Partners" Site!
Don't forget to do Challenge 3 until tomorrow!! Stay tuned, your Rafi101 alias Rafael ;D

Friday, March 4

Topmodel Fotoshooting

Hey, while you are doing the Challenge, I wanted to show you the latest Fotoshoot of our Topmodel and Judge MissKosovo_97. Here you can she what a Topmodel she became...

The Winner-Shooting in August 2010:

Her latest Shooting:

Pretty good, what? If you also want to get on the top, then fight for it! I'll announce the third elimination on Sunday. Good luck and stay tuned. ;)