Friday, February 25

3rd Challenge

Hello! It's time for the third Challenge. *hooray*
Okay, now think of 10 thing/persons that are the most important to your life. And now, here's the Challenge:

Create a Scenery where you put your 10 most important things or persons on it. But remember: EVERY LITTLE TING COUNTS! So be sure that there are just 10 things or persons on the scenery.  It can be any theme, but just remember that you are only allowed to put 10 things on. Even a little bracelett counts.
Then you'll write in a comment that you did the challenge and also write the name of your scenery in the comment.

Deadline: Sunday, March 6th 

Good luck and stay tuned,
Your Rafi101


angee said...

iens heißt 10 dinge


claragoosmann19 said...

sie heißt ;]

Avniarisha/Jewel said...

Very sorry that I didnt do my scenery on my page :S I accidentally did it on my club [modelsunitedsd] you can find it there and my scenery is called "10 things that mean the world to me"

Hope you like it! :)

Avniarisha/Jewel said...

Heres the link to my scenery

Anonymous said...

Meins heißt: Ten Things I Like

maleen122 said...

Meins heißt 10 things I love:
1. Süßes :D
2. Shoppen
3. Schmetterlinge
4. Pandas
5. Meine Bff(s)
6. Kleider
8. Herbst
9. Sonne
10. Blumen
lg maleen122

Pale+Green said...

User: Vessts
i wrote about my items in my comments. :D

Shayma said...
My scenery (:
Candyfloss_Girl x

Vivien.. said...

My scenery calls: 10 things i LOVE
Friends: I love my friends but i the most don´t have stardoll ;(
Medallion: I love it (: I get it from my grandma
Vouge: This newspaper inspirit me every time
USA: I love this country for all
A&F dress: I like A&F dresses very much (:
Parfüm: I love tp smell very good.
Melone: I like fruits and Melone is one of my favourits..
Telephone: I enjoy it to phone with my friends very long
Coctails: I like different creations of coctails, they tast so good (:
Music: I love it to listen to music every time and in every situation in my life ;D


Anonymous said...

I did it it's on my Scenery page under COMPETITION-TASk 3

Nessy :x said...

My scenery's name is 1O things I like :)
Here is the link if you can't find it:

Good luck to all :)

BellaMarySwan said...

My scenery is named:
"My 10 Best Things"

BestDamnFreak said...

username: BestDamnFreak
scenery name: top 10 favorite things

Anonymous said...

i am in!

check my sceneries! It's the first one

10 most importnat things in my life!