Thursday, August 30

Quick Note

Hey guys!
I decided to give you a little more time for the first task. So the new deadline is Saturday, 1st August.
The elimination ceremony will be on Monday, 3rd August.
By the way, I just love the entries so far. This cycle we've really got strong contestants. Oh and I also wanna let you know that I'm working on a new trailer for this cycle's FINALE!!
It will be a huge event. I won't tell you more right now as we are still at the beginning of the cycle, but stay tuned, there will be more details when the Top 13 are announced.

xoxo Rafi


Flowerpin said...

Ok! Thanks for choosing me! I will get this task done tomorrow and turn it in tomorrow, considering I'm getting home late tonight. So yeah... I'm back from vacation on mobile, just on the airport wifi. Lol

manny. said...

Hello Rafael,

It's weird to tell you in this way, but I cannot get on Stardoll until a while from now.

I've decided to sever my ties with Stardoll, thus I cannot compete. I wish I could have, but I'm sure you will soon/already have read why. Thanks so much for the opportunity and chance to be in this great competition.

Good luck to the remaining! And Great job, Rafael! :)