Sunday, November 17

Change Of Plans

Hello everyone! :)

As you might know, I originally wanted to publish the Best-Of video tonight. But I decided to change the plans as I want to include some pictures and moments from the Finale in the video. That's why I will post the Best-Of video along with the full version of the Finale next Sunday!
Instead, Part 2 will be released tonight.
I'll update the post below as soon as the part is completely uploaded.
Part 3 will be released as well very soon!

Stay tuned!
xoxo Rafael ♥

Wednesday, November 13

The Great Finale Of Cycle 6



Note: I seriously do not know why the edges are cut off during the backstage interview. This happened after the upload. I re-uploaded the video twice, but this glitch happens to occure over and over again. I'm experiencing similar difficulties with the Powers of the Earth Walk and Part 3 (which is the actual reason for the huge delay).

Part 3 coming soon!

Who do you think will win? Write your opinion in a comment!

xoxo ♥

Saturday, November 9

I Need Your Help!!!

Guys, this is an emergency!!
So besides that I have some technical problems with the Top 13 Walk and the "Powers of the Earth"-Walk, there's something I need to show you ...

I started uploading Part 1 of the Finale one and a half hour ago (6pm GMT), now look at this ...

Part one durates about 20 minutes. 
It has been uploading for one and a half hour now ...

Now imagine I still have to upload Part 2 and 3. We can't sit here for hours and do nothing! Or can we?

Please tell me, what should I do:
  1. Should the Finale take place tonight and the videos will be added to the post as soon as they are uploaded - which would mean I'd have to sit here until 4 or 5am - or 
  2. Should I wait until tomorrow - when all 3 parts are completely uploaded and the issues with the Top 13 Walk video are fixed - and publish the videos tomorrow evening?!

Please give me the answer in comments. Thank you for your understanding, your love and your support!!
xoxo Rafael ♥

So I've decided to wait until Wednesday evening so I'll have enough time to fix the flaws within the videos and upload them completely. By the way, I still couldn't figure out what went wrong with the Top 13 Walk, so I decided to re-do it.
I've definitely learnt my lesson: Never ever announce something if you aren't done by 100% ... like, never ever! Otherwise you'll have to delay it again and again.

I've updated the post below, scroll down to few the new schedule. Let's keep our fingers crossed that everything will work out. But I'm sure this time it will work .. I mean, it has to! If not, I'll just announce the winner in a post.

xxx ♥

The Moment Has Come ...

... to reveal the winner of RNTM Cycle 6!
Here is it, your invitation to a show of your lifetime!

This is it. The official schedule, and we're ready to let the show begin. 
By the way, I deleted some of my previous posts as I wanted to have a "clean" blog archive. Haha x)

Hope I'll see you at the Finale!
Who do you think will win? Mangun, Lindsey or Virginia?!

xoxo Rafael