Wednesday, February 20

Cycle 6 Applications


Hello my dear followers,
I finally managed to finish and upload the Trailer of Cycle 6. Somehow the video got some glitches, don't ask me why but I'll try to fix them asap ...

After such a long break, RNTM is finally back! Are you ready for Cycle 6???
If you want to become a Topmodel, these are the requirements:

- You should have a unique appearance and fashion sense.
- You should know how to present yourself on the catwalk.
- You have to know how to create a scenery and how to do at least one simple pose.
- You should know the basics of a graphic program (e.g. Photoshop, Gimp) and how to work with it.

You think you have what it takes? Then here's the application form:
  1. Stardoll Username:
  2. Name: (last name is optional)
  3. Age:
  4. Describe yourself in three words:
  5. Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one)
  6. How did you find out about RNTM?
  7. What makes you stand out from the crowd?
  8. Headshot without make-up:
Please notice that everybody may apply except persons who have been in the Top 12 of Cycle 5 or have ever been in the Top 5 of any cycle.

The prizes for Cycle 6 so far are:

More prizes hopefully might be added. Well, that's all you need to know. Go on, APPLY NOW!
You can apply until Friday, March 8
20 girls will be then chosen out of the applicants. The Top 20 will be announced on Saturday, March 9!

Stay tuned
xoxo Rafael


Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to apply this time... hehe ;D

Stardoll Username: LoveGossip4life
Name: Lindsey Le'Vogue
Age: 15
Describe yourself in three words: edgy, artistic, witty
Any past experience yet?: Yup,
How did you find out about RNTM?: Gosh, I honestly don't remember. I've been a follower of the competition since like the second or third season.
What makes you stand out from the crowd?: I think that my style (fashion wised), and my artistic "talents" makes me stand out. In real life, I'm rather shy, however I think my outfits really describe my personality, which is something that I hold close to my heart.
Headshot without make-up:

Anonymous said...

Stardoll Username: MG286
Name: (last name is optional) Leon
Age: 15
Describe yourself in three words: Unique,Different,Stylish
Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one)A few graphics for blogs...But I'm better now in doing graphics :D
How did you find out about RNTM? I tried toparticipate last year,but I wasn't chosen...Maybe this time ;)
What makes you stand out from the crowd? I thinks everyone stands out of the crowd in their own way...But I think that I stand out from the crowd,because I'm differet as the others and I don't try to be perfect...
Headshot without make-up:

Alex said...

Stardoll Username: alex.kolonia999
Name: Alexandra
Age: 13
Describe yourself in three words: sweet, creative, trendy
Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one) no, I had appled here but I wasn't choosen :/
How did you find out about RNTM? From a blog 8 months ago :)
What makes you stand out from the crowd?: Because I love fashion and making graphics, I believe that I can win because I think I have a good style and I make very nice graphics! Also I am unique and not copier.
Headshot without make-up:

Alex said... I forgot it xD

Didiii said...

Stardoll Username: didi18881
Name: Jasmin
Age: 13
Describe yourself in three words: modern, freaky, different
How did you find out about RNTM? youre presentation
What makes you stand out from the crowd? I love fashion and have my own style
Headshot without make-up:

Reina said...

Stardoll Username: Rei1981
Name: (last name is optional) Virginia S.
Age: 25
Describe yourself in three words: responsable, cheerful, intelligent
Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one) Featured in Miss Magazine once. My portfolio
How did you find out about RNTM? another blog
What makes you stand out from the crowd? I really want to be a model, so I will do my best all the time. I will persevere until my dream come true
Headshot without make-up:

Anonymous said...

Stardoll Username: KylieGiselle
Name: Gabriela Victoria
Age: 15
Describe yourself in three words: Classic - Fashionista - Creative
Any past experience yet? I'm model for limelight managment. But so far, i haven't had Opportunity. That's why i think this could be an Amazing opportunity for becaming model.
How did you find out about RNTM? Well, two months ago, i joined dollywood. I started being fan of Vogue Magazine. Throguh it's Media Partners, i followed all the Blogs i could. When i found RNTM.
What makes you stand out from the crowd? Because i'm one of those Medolls, who loves making Projects, And my Face. I think my personality makes me Different from others because i'm kinda Bipolar. But at the same time i'm Friendly. And i think Everyone who meet me think i'm Crazy. But it's better being Absolutely Ridcolous than Absolutely Boring.
Headshot without make-up:

Mangunmeetan said...

Stardoll Username: Mangunmeetan
Name: Mangun kaur
Age: 16 years
Describe yourself in three words: Edgy, Boho, Chic
Any past experience yet? In the modelling world, I'm currently in 3 online competitions : 1. Catherine's Model Academy; 2. Best Dressed Doll-Stardoll; 3. Manda's Model Mission
How did you find out about RNTM? Through the sponsors in MMM
What makes you stand out from the crowd? My unique doll and fashion sense. I love taking risks and trying new things. I have a differential perspective for all things fashion, art and literature. I hope I can show you my capabilities and portray my fashion sense on this platform. Thanks for reading.
Headshot without make-up:

CookiiiMonstar said...

Stardoll Username: CookiiiMonstar
Name: Eden
Age: 11
Describe yourself in three words: Cool Stylish Quirky

How did you find out about RNTM? Underneath SD Chat
What makes you stand out from the crowd? My dolls beauty
Headshot without make-up:

ExtvaganceSD said...

Stardoll Username: ExtravaganceSD
Name: Nora
Age: 21
Describe yourself in three words: strong, experimental, crazy
Any past experience yet? Yeah, I've been the winner of the las cycle of Model-Fever and I've been one of the finalists of the last cycle of rntm;) Portfolio:
How did you find out about RNTM? By Rafael and this Blog
What makes you stand out from the crowd? I'm new, fresh and willing to put a lot of passion, effort, inspiration and creativity into this modeling-competition. I'm sure, that I will bring some new positive aspects, because I'm experimental. I have a very unique style and I'm full of creativity.
Headshot without make-up:

Anonymous said...

dear ExtravaganceSD

you can not apply in this competition, rafael wrote:
Please notice that everybody may apply except persons who have been in the Top 12 of Cycle 5 or have ever been in the Top 5 of any cycle.

Jovana8 / Jovana Alexander said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jovana8 / Jovana Alexander said...

Stardoll Username: Jovana8
Name: Jovana Chloé
Age: 13
Describe yourself in three words: crazy, vintage & modern
Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one)Yes,mi'm contestant at CMA.
How did you find out about RNTM? I've heard about it from Manda :3
What makes you stand out from the crowd? because i'm myself. I don't try, being anybody else, cause i like it how i am. I think, the beauty is inside of someone :)
Headshot without make-up:

Carrie.Rose said...

Stardoll Username: Cheekycazbo1
Name: (last name is optional) Carrie Rose
Age: 16

Describe yourself in three words: Original, loud, bubbly

Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one)
I am currently a contestant in Mandas model missiona and catherines model academy.


How did you find out about RNTM? I have been a follower since the last cycle, and heard about it threw sparkle model management.

What makes you stand out from the crowd?
I think I have a unique model face, i also have a varied fashion sense and can be creative as a model.

Headshot without make-up:

Lizzy1414 said...

Stardoll Username: Lizzy1414

Name: Elizabeth Grae

Age: Personal

Describe yourself in three words: Strange, devoted, curious

Any past experience yet?:

How did you find out about RNTM?: I actually applied last season and made it but I couldn't complete it because of family issues.

What makes you stand out from the crowd?: The fact that I couldn't care less about what others think of me. I have lots of confidence and I believe that makes me shine.

Headshot without make-up: @ portfolio

Unknown said...

Stardoll Username: ...singstar...
Name: Mila
Age: 17
Describe yourself in three words: Quirky, whimsical, perseverant.
Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one): Some,
How did you find out about RNTM? I've been a lurker for the past season aha, and I saw the application opportunity at the Graphic Vault :)
What makes you stand out from the crowd? I'm dorky; I'm that quirky, introverted at at times, awkward girl who tries to please. I'm a decent writer and have dreams of becoming a successful model.
Headshot without make-up: On portfolio! (

Rosahanaha said...

Stardoll Username: Rosahanaha
Name: Madeleine Rosa
Age: 19
Describe yourself in three words: Original, Stylish, Eccentric
Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one): None yet :|
How did you find out about RNTM?: Well, I don't really remember. But I saw the trailer on The Graphic Vault.
What makes you stand out from the crowd?: My original and somewhat crazy style.
Headshot without make-up:

Juliet B said...

Stardoll Username: juju_001

Name: (last name is optional) Juliet

Age: 15

Describe yourself in three words: Trendy , Creative , Fun

Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one)

Blogger of a lot of Fashion stardoll blog , and magazine and Graphic .

How did you find out about RNTM? Hum i am a fan of the graphic on the blog

"Graphic Vault " and there i see a Fashion , Model contest and a long time

ago i would like become a model for a lot of magazine .

What makes you stand out from the crowd? My style make me unique & different , mi talent

too make me different from others because i am very crative .

Headshot without make-up:

anna said...

Stardoll Username:Annie...Star
Name: Annie C.
Describe yourself in three words:cheerful,organising,hard working
Any past experience yet?I'm new in this world but I think I'm gonna make it easily!
How did you find out about RNTM? I read on THE GRAPHICS VAULT which I found from lilyqi's blog
What makes you stand out from the crowd?I'm too passionate with what I'm doing
Headshot without make-up:

xoxo, Annie

Anonymous said...

Stardoll Username: Coolgirl185
Name: Misty
Age: 15
Describe yourself in three words: Different, artistic and stylish
Any past experience yet?:
How did you find out about RNTM?: I found out about it on other blogs and through Rafael's stardoll page
What makes you stand out from the crowd?: I can get inspired very easily and come up with my ideas quickly. I can also see what I need to improve on my graphics, so I'd be able to take in the judge's criticism and improve
Headshot without make-up:
thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Stardoll Username: KatyPerrydu56
Name: (last name is optional) Nina

Age: 15

Describe yourself in three words: cool , Creative

Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one)

Blogger of a blog , and Graphic .

How did you find out about RNTM? Hum i am a fan of the graphic on the blog, i descorved it with juju_001

"Graphic Vault " and there i see a Fashion , Model contest and a long time

ago i would like become a model for a lot of magazine .

What makes you stand out from the crowd? My style make me unique & different , me talent

too make me different from others because i'm really crative .

Headshot without make-up:

March 07, 2013

eugenia.g.s said...

Stardoll Username: eugenia.g.s



Describe yourself in three words: easy, tricky, creative

Any past experience yet?

How did you find out about RNTM?

What makes you stand out from the crowd? I am myself

Headshot without make-up:

LG eugenia.g.s

Aeon_Flux_96 said...

Stardoll Username: Aeon_Flux_96

Name: Giselle

Age: 16

Describe yourself in three words: random, unique, creative

Any past experience yet? No, I am in some competitions.

How did you find out about RNTM? I hear from other users a little bit but I find it in

What makes you stand out from the crowd? I just trying to do what I love. I don't care what the other have to say. I only hear some critics to get better and better everyday.

Headshot without make-up: In my portfolio,

Chiao, Aeon

maexchen_pink said...

Stardoll Username:maexchen_pink
Name: (last name is optional)sara
Describe yourself in three words:charismatic,extroverted,unique style
Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one)no
How did you find out about RNTM?in your club
What makes you stand out from the crowd?I am a musician,so I like to discover myself and I am really disciplined
Headshot without make-up:

Unknown said...

1. Stardoll Username: Sweetpiink1999
2. Name: Minh Thi Martinovic
3. Age: 17
4. Describe yourself in three words: INDIE, creativ and intelligent
5. Any past experience yet? No.
6. I know it from Manda
7. I've got my own style and it's me wayne what other people think about me.

CL3M3 said...

1- CL3M3

2- Clemence

3- 19

4- creative, ambitious, imaginative


6- Media partners in boutiquestardoll.blogspot

7- I have my own style that does not apply to ephemeral fashion, I like to mix the shapes and colors I'm curious and I like to create. what makes me stand out from the others. More I think I'm the only French, also sorry for the mistakes.^^


KimmyyRoxx Stardoll said...

Stardoll Username: KimmyyRoxx
Name: Kelly
Age: 1
Describe yourself in three words: Cute, bubbly, laid-back :D
Any past experience yet? (include a portfolio link if you have one)
How did you find out about RNTM? I was searching through people's google profiles to see if I could find out a new agency or magazine to apply for.
What makes you stand out from the crowd? My doll has all of the requirements a model should have! I have a unique doll with a slight asian appearance. I stand out because I do my best in every task I am set to do. My style is the theme 'spring', so you'd normally see my doll dressed up in something floral & cute.
Headshot without make-up: Check out my portfolio